Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Mitsubishi Outlander
Friday, October 24, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Mercedes Benz E-Class
Friday, October 17, 2008
Martin's Manic Mystery Run
The effort Bud and I achieved was also one of the worst we have had for a while, all went well until Cornwall Park, where things went haywire, first after the pit stop, the wrong road was taken as we did not go back to the round-a-bout but took the wrong road, and had to back track.
As our motor has had a mysterious noise for some time we decided not to go up to the summit and proceeded on, to the clue on the drivers side about a caravan, where a nice gentleman decided to talk to us for some time about all our cars that had proceeded us down his street.
Arriving in the Blockhouse Bay area, there was a clue saying turn left past some houses, I said it said first left, but Bud said no that’s not a street. (I believe it was).
Shortly after that the phone rang saying where are you we are all here, in the process of Bud answering it he missed several streets we were supposed to go up or down. Then we went past an area of paddocks full of sheep, I did not recall ever seeing before, shows you what is tucked away in areas you do not realize they are there unless you live in the area.
By this time we decided to go to the finish as everyone was waiting for us, one of the clues was about a building that Bud knew the location of, so we made our way there, then followed
the clues to the final destination.
I think almost all had given up on us by this time, but we at least made it to the end. Everyone was also waiting for Harvey and Val but they didn’t show up someone said they had seen them having a picnic in Cornwall Park, so I guess they had decided not to finish.
Those that went were John and Janice, Ant and Karen, Chris with Mel and Alison, Paul and Delia, Harvey and Val, Thelma and Bud, Martin (organizer), Jim.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Yesterday I received the "Blogging Friends Forever" Award through Ken Mac at the great Greenwich Village Daily Photo. Thank you so much Ken Mac, your beautiful pictures and interesting issues inspire me on a regular basis and allow me to travel in my imagination to New York City, specially to Greenwich Village!
Now it is my turn to give the award to other deserving bloggers following these rules:
1. Only five people are allowed.
2. Four have to be dedicated followers of your blog.
3. One has to be someone new or recently new to your blog and live in another part of the world.
4. You must link back to whoever gave you the award.
I must to say that I would love to award all my dedicated followers.... but according to the rules, I have the pleasure to award the following blogs, from five countries of the world (by alphabetic order):
1. Caliandra do Cerrado, Elma (Brasil)
2. Lisbon Daily Photo , Mary Jo (Portugal)
3. Peter's Paris, Peter (France)
4. Pietro Brosio Gallery, Pietro (Italy)
5. Slinding Through Life, Rachel (USA)
Please visit these blogs to enjoy their excellent photos and personal experiences of their native cities.
Tenho tido constantes problemas no meu computador e também nas minhas postagens. Assim, vou fazer uma pausa de duas semanas para poder formatar o pc e esperar pelo novo que acabei de comprar. Farei o possível para continuar visitando os amigos. Espero estar com o computador em ordem para o ECOLOGICAL DAY, no dia 2 de Novembro. Aqui estão algumas fotos tiradas da minha vizinhança.
These two first photos are my submission to Tertúlia Virtual, which theme next 15th is "FLY". Com estas duas fotos, estou participando da Tertúlia Virtual, cujo tema do próximo dia 15 é "VOAR".
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Photo by Murilo
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Click HERE to know Clique AQUI para saber
Click HERE to know Clique AQUI para saber
Click HERE to know Clique AQUI para saber
I don't know the name of this plant and I will appreciate if someone could tell me. Não sei o nome dessa planta, alguém saberia me dizer qual é?
What kind of animals are these? Can you name them all? Que animais são estes? Você conhece?