"Mr and Mrs Clark and Percy", by David Hockney (1937- )
"Woman with Dog" by Duane Hanson (1925-1996)

Puppy, by Jeff Koons (1955- )

Maggi, Kate's pet. (Now the dog is growing up with her granddaughter Olivia).
Calista, Deana's pet
In memory of Carvãozinho, Eduardo's pet
Click on photos to enlarge
Photos of the "Pátio do Colégio" (The School Yard) by Carlos A. Mascaro
PÁTIO DO COLÉGIO. (The School Yard). "The Pátio do Colégio marks the place where the city of São Paulo was founded. It is the nucleus from which the town grew. São Paulo was founded in 1554 by Portuguese Jesuits who intended to convert the Indians to Christianity and to teach them their language. Three priests celebrated their first mass on Saint Paul’s Day on January 25, 1554; hence it became the name of the city. Pátio do Colégio is now a center for cultural activity. Initially a Jesuit school was built in this spot. Besides the school itself and a church, the Anchieta Museum is also housed here, displaying original sculptures by the Guarani native inhabitants, and a model reproduction of São Paulo in the 16th century."
I made many posts about São Paulo. You can see my city HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE.
Chicó, Fernando's pet
Clayton, Jeanette's pet
Deedee, Sue's pet
Fergusson and Joshua, Sue's pets
Icy, Tom's Pet
Lisa, Brahma(layed down), Meg and Pinga, Sofia's pets
Madeleine, Pete, Finnegan, Bayle, Jasmine and Cleo, Kerri's pets
Maximus, called Maxi, Gisela's pet
Mel, Eduardo's pet
Mr. Milo Katy's pet
Murray, LC's pet
Ranger, LC's pet Rosie, Gattina's pet
Storm, Judy's pet
Tasha, LC's petTatua, Eduardo's pet
Vida, Eduardo's pet
Click on photos to enlarge